Facts & figures
- 6.1 Schematic from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services describing the main elements and relationships linking nature, biodiversity and ecosystem services, human well-being and sustainable development. (In this diagram, anthropogenic drivers equate to the pressures as described in Section 6.3)
- 6.2 Interconnections between people, biodiversity, ecosystem health and provision of ecosystem services showing drivers and pressures
- 6.3 Examples of global distribution of pressures on (a) threat intensity (H: high; L: low; M: medium; VH: very high; VL: very low) from terrestrial invasive alien species and (b) cumulative fisheries by-catch intensity for seabirds, sea mammals and sea turtles, by all gear types (gillnet, longline and trawl)
- 6.4 Percentage of threatened (critically endangered, endangered and vulnerable) and near threatened amphibian, bird and mammal species by major threat class
- 6.5 Map of the global human footprint for 2009 (combined pressures of infrastructure, land cover and human access into natural areas, using a 0-50 on a cool to hot colour scales) (a), and absolute change in average human footprint from 1993 to 2009 at the ecoregion scale (b)
- 6.6 Impact mechanism of invasive alien species on threatened species in Europe
- 6.7 Recorded number of rhinoceros poached in South Africa, 2007-2015. In 2011, the rhino population in South Africa numbered just over 20,000
- 6.8 Global map showing species vulnerable to climate change
- 6.9 Proportions of local animal breeds, classified as being at risk, not at risk or unknown level of risk of extinction
- 6.10 Cumulative number of species with whole genome sequences (2000-2016)
- 6.11 The proportion of species in each extinction risk category of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
- 6.12 Red List Index of species survival for birds, mammals, amphibians, corals and cycads, and an aggregate (in light green) for all species
- 6.13 Global Living Planet Index
- 6.14 Terrestrial Biodiversity Intactness Index
- 6.15 Mechanisms of ecosystem collapse, and symptoms of the risk of collapse
- 6.16 Mean percentage change in each broad habitat type based on satellite imagery: (a) change from original land-cover type between 2001 and 2012; (b) vegetation productivity as measured using the Enhanced Vegetation Index between the years 2000-2004 and 2009-2013
- 6.17 Global trends in the state of the world’s marine stocks 1975-2015
- 6.18 Extinction risk of global freshwater fauna by taxonomic group
- 6.19 Capacity of mountains to provide ecosystem services
- 6.20 Protected areas of the world